A domain name is any name you type into the URL address locator in any web browser. It is usually prefixed with a www extension to signify that it is used in the World Wide Web (WWW). While the www prefix is part of the domain name, in actuality, only the actual domain name after the www and period are actually registered. No one owns the right to the www prefix.
For instance, if you have a domain name called www.thisismydomainname.com, the actual registered name is thisismydomainname.com. There are a number of different suffixes available for domain name: .com. .net, .org, etc. The most recognizable are .com suffixes that specify a commercial enterprise.
When domain names first came on the scene it, there was a lot of confusion as to how they would be used in a free market and what sorts of legal issues might arise from the use of a domain name. It quickly became clear that a domain name is very much a trademark and so the types of laws that could apply for improper registering and use of a domain name are laws that deal with trademark infringement.
So, even if you register a domain name, if it is someone else's trademark, you don't get to keep it or ransom it to the proper owner of that trademark. Initially, there were many opportunists who did try to register large, brand name, and domain names of multinational companies and then try to sell the domain name back to the company for a large sum of money.
This is now referred to as the "cyber-squatting" and is illegal under trademark infringement laws. We will discuss how to avoid getting into trouble with trademark laws in Chapter 7 more in-depth.
What Makes For A Good Domain Name?
So, the product you are selling is specifically the name that you either buy from someone else or create and register on your own. The best domain names are those that are easy to remember and highly marketable.
The best domain names have the same types of characteristics:
" Consist of one or two words
One-word domain names are all pretty much taken, but two word ones can be a good place to start.
" Use search words
People search for particular things on the Internet. Get a domain name with some of those highly searched terms and it can be perceived as being more valuable.
" Multiple meanings
Words that have multiple marketing niches or meanings might be more marketable.
" Marketing ring
Those words that have a snappy ring to them are more easily sold than boring terms.
" Take advantage of misspelled words
Typos are your friend in the domain name business. They can lead to a very profitable site that attracts visitors who consistently type in the wrong domain name address.
For instance, if you have a domain name called www.thisismydomainname.com, the actual registered name is thisismydomainname.com. There are a number of different suffixes available for domain name: .com. .net, .org, etc. The most recognizable are .com suffixes that specify a commercial enterprise.
When domain names first came on the scene it, there was a lot of confusion as to how they would be used in a free market and what sorts of legal issues might arise from the use of a domain name. It quickly became clear that a domain name is very much a trademark and so the types of laws that could apply for improper registering and use of a domain name are laws that deal with trademark infringement.
So, even if you register a domain name, if it is someone else's trademark, you don't get to keep it or ransom it to the proper owner of that trademark. Initially, there were many opportunists who did try to register large, brand name, and domain names of multinational companies and then try to sell the domain name back to the company for a large sum of money.
This is now referred to as the "cyber-squatting" and is illegal under trademark infringement laws. We will discuss how to avoid getting into trouble with trademark laws in Chapter 7 more in-depth.
What Makes For A Good Domain Name?
So, the product you are selling is specifically the name that you either buy from someone else or create and register on your own. The best domain names are those that are easy to remember and highly marketable.
The best domain names have the same types of characteristics:
" Consist of one or two words
One-word domain names are all pretty much taken, but two word ones can be a good place to start.
" Use search words
People search for particular things on the Internet. Get a domain name with some of those highly searched terms and it can be perceived as being more valuable.
" Multiple meanings
Words that have multiple marketing niches or meanings might be more marketable.
" Marketing ring
Those words that have a snappy ring to them are more easily sold than boring terms.
" Take advantage of misspelled words
Typos are your friend in the domain name business. They can lead to a very profitable site that attracts visitors who consistently type in the wrong domain name address.
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